Now What? Marriage In the Midst of COVID-19

Thanks to the coronavirus, you and your spouse are now experiencing a new threat, a new challenge. As of this week, most major Texas cities are now sheltering in place. These mandates have led to drastic changes in our daily lives. Whether you or your spouse are essential workers or newly-appointed WFH (work-from-home) professionals, you are facing new challenges in your marriage.

No date nights.

No alone time.

No escape.

Okay, that last one may be a little drastic. But in my family, we are now together 24/7 with no real end in sight. It may feel like this crisis is only going to bring out the worst in you and/or your spouse. But believe it or not, this crazy situation can help your marriage grow. Here are some resources to help:

Strengthening exercise: 

  1. Make sure you are personally growing. Now, more than ever, you need to be in prayer, reading the Bible, and actively pursuing spiritual growth. Don’t expect to get along with your spouse if you aren’t spiritually grounded.

  2. Change your expectations. We are living in a new normal. I hope this new normal won’t last for long. But in the meantime, embrace the challenges and changes. Let go of unrealistic expectations such as a perfectly clean home.

  3. Be willing to have honest communication. Talk to your spouse about what meetings you have, when do you/they need silence. I noticed my husband and I getting snappy with each other last week. My feelings got hurt. After an open and honest conversation, we did better with setting realistic expectations and communicating our needs. This helped end the snappiness and prevented an argument.

  4. Be creative about time as a couple. I’m going to write more about this next week, but for now, aim for at least 15-30 minutes a day to process your feelings, pray, encourage each other, and talk about your needs as a couple

  5. Expect some conflict. Tensions may be high in your home. It could be due to a recent layoff or an increased workload.. Have grace for your spouse as they are navigating fears and frustrations. 

Scripture to consider: 

Gracious speech is like clover honey - good taste to the soul, quick energy for the body. Proverbs 16:24 (MSG) 

Prayer: God, we need you now more than ever. My spouse and I were struggling before this crisis and now it feels like we are drowning. I ask that you keep our family healthy, that you be with our finances. Help us to rely on You through this storm. Be our refuge. Amen