THRIVE Episode 20: Interview with Jamie Young

I’m excited to be in a new month! June. As I record this, I have no idea what the summer is going to look like. Will pools be open? Will I go on vacation? In every other summer season, many of us are concerned about being “summer ready,” ie: tan and toned.

This month we’re going to be talking about body image. While we may not be as concerned with being ready for swimsuit season, there are going to be concerns about body image. 

80% of women report being dissatisfied with the way they look. 80% that’s a lot! 34% of men report being dissatisfied about their appearance. 

I’m passionate about talking about body image because it’s influenced so much of my story including eating disorder behaviors in my high school and college years. 

If you struggle with a negative body image, I want to let you know this matters. How you view yourself deeply matters. I’m excited about the interviews that I have lined up for you this month. We’ll be talking to professionals and friends.

Without further adieu, here’s my conversation with Jamie Young. 

Jamie Young, the founder and CEO of Real Results Medical Weight Loss. Jamie earned her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Georgia. After graduation Jamie spent time in New York City as an Athletic Trainer, and Athens Georgia as a personal trainer. She is excited to partner with the best medical professionals in the Atlanta area to provide weight loss services to her community. Jamie lives in Kennesaw with her husband Philip, their daughter Jayden, and son Jackson. 

MC: Jamie, I always like to start off with the big picture. Tell me what your definition of a body image is. 

JY: Hi Melissa, thank you so much for having me. I am so excited about this conversation. I define body image as an internal dialog about how you feel in your skin. When people look and feel their best from the inside out they are better parents, spouses, friends, employees and co-workers. When we have a negative body image towards ourselves it negatively affects every area of our lives

MC: What makes a body image healthy?

JY: A Healthy body image will be expressed by confidence and self acceptance but I believe that it really comes down to grace. I think we are all guilty of not giving ourselves enough grace in life. In the fast paced world we live in, people tend to just run from meeting to meeting, kid activities, meetups with friends, doctors appointments, and let’s try to squeeze in date night and self care, while at the same time comparing ourselves to others who seem to be handling everything so much better than us. When it’s simply not true- we are all doing a great job and need to give ourselves grace, which will positively impact that internal dialog we have about body image.

MC: What makes a body image unhealthy? 

JY: Without a doubt- listening and allowing the sabotaging dialog in your own head take control. That little voice in our head that “nit-picks” all the little things that no one else notices (like, “you look awful in that outfit” or “you could never wear that” or “what were you thinking”... if we spoke that way our friends, we would be friendless)…all of that negative self talk is devastating to how we feel about ourselves and our body image. 

MC: What have you seen the impact (s) of a negative body image? 

JY: I own a medical weight loss practice and see the impact of negative body image almost everyday. When that little voice assaults you constantly, it will increase the stress levels in your body, which elevates your cortisol levels, which then stalls their weight loss process. Even in my patients who are trying to maintain their weight, there is a vicious response to stress… a big project will be due at work, or stress going on with a spouse or family, which will increase those cortisol levels, which causes weight gain, which leads to a negative body image which increases stress. Like I said- it’s vicious. 

MC: Do you have a personal story you would like to share?

JY: I personally have a dance background, I danced 20+ hours a week in high school, spent time dancing in New York City when I lived there, and started teaching when I moved back to Georgia and had been doing that until I had my second kiddo who will be 2 this month- which is craziness… Anyway… As a dancer I have always had a very critical eye for myself and body image, which I still find myself struggling with. I wish I would tell your listeners that “one day you will have a positive self-body image and it will last forever”, but that’s not true. Going back to the beginning of our conversation, body image is a reflection of how you feel on the inside and it takes conquering that self-sabotaging voice, taking care of the body from a nutritional standpoint, and consistency.

MC: How do you view body image in light of a Christian perspective? 

JY: Speaking from a Christian perspective, we can now give that self-sabotaging voice a name… his name is Satan, others refer to him as the devil, I like to refer to him as the enemy. He is a professional at making us doubt ourselves. God says that we are made in His image. He hand crafted us with specific gifts, talents and skills to spread his love to those around us. It’s the enemy’s mission to plant weeds in our heart that keep us from seeing this truth. Those weeds do not produce the fruits of the spirit- love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… they produce doubt, bitterness, comparison, impostor syndrome, and fear.  I love the song “Fear is a liar”, I feel like it really highlights this battle that we are in for our hearts, our minds, and our souls. When looking at the topic of body image from a Christian perspective, we have to remember who hand made us in His image, recognize when the enemy speaks those lies into our hearts (which are the seeds of negative body image) and use the word of God to speak truth over our lives and heal our hearts.

MC: I’m all about small, practical things to practice. What are a couple of practices you would recommend to help someone build a stronger, healthier body image? 

JY: When I work with my patients I always leave them with practical steps so I love it.

  1. The first thing I would recommend is a daily reset.  What I mean by this is everyday you sit down and really speak truth or bare alive. With daily devotionals or a prayer time or meditation.

  2. Drink water

  3. Get support where you need it

MC: What is getting you excited right now?


  1. Personal- celebration season

  2. Professional- meal planning membership

MC: What podcasts are you into right now?

JY: Posture Podcast, The Alli Worthington Show, & Pantsuit Politics

“I am a Huge audible fan,“ says Jamie. A few of her recent favorites are: 

  1. Personal- Harry Potter Series 

  2. Leadership- How women rise by Sally Helgesen

  3. Business- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

You can Jamie online at:


  2. Facebook at

  3. Instagram @jamie_realresults 

Thank you for joining me this week on the Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free. Make sure to visit my podcast where you can subscribe to the show on iTunes or Spotify so you never miss a show. Hey, while you’re at it, help me out by adding some stars to the rating and tell a friend about the show. 

Be sure to tune in next week, where we continue the conversation about body image!

Have a great week!

Melissa ClarkPodcast