THRIVE Episode 14: Jolene Underwood
Thank you so much for joining me this week! I truly believe listening to this podcast will leave you feeling excited, educated, and empowered.
We are at the halfway point on our series on soul care. Last week’s interview with Rachel Kang was so awesome and I hope you liked it too! I loved her take on soul care not to mention her practical advice on practicing social distancing without being socially distant.
Today, we will continue the conversation with very dear friend of mine , Jolene Underwood.
Jolene Underwood is an emotional health warrior and soul care mentor. She provides practical and spiritual support for cultivating life within the Christian soul by drawing upon her personal journey towards emotional health, her psychology background, and a passion for Christian counseling. Jolene writes regularly at, Crosswalk, and iBelieve. She is also a certified life coach for Christians who want to cultivate their lives with Christ so they can experience more of God and the life He's given them. Her tool, Unleash : Heart and Soul Care Sheets, has helped hundreds experience greater freedom.
On the show today, Jolene and I discuss some of the following:
Challenges you can face practicing soul care
How practicing soul care can strengthen your relationships
Jolene's own journey of practicing soul care and dealing with depression and PTSD
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Unleash: Heart and Soul Care Sheets
You can connect with Jolene online via Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest at @theJoleneU or via the Cultivated Life Newsletter.
Thank you so much for joining me this week on the Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free! Make sure to listen to the podcast where you can subscribe to the show so you never miss a show. Hey, while you’re at it, help me out by adding some stars to the rating and tell a friend about the show.
Be sure to tune in next week, where we continue our conversation on Soul Care. I’ll be wrapping up this series by sharing with you my thoughts, challenges, and advice on practical ways for you to care for your soul.
Have a great week, stay healthy and wash your hands!